Some facilities require folding doors with a little extra class. Facilities where aspects such as design, function and economy are equally important to consider. As the name suggests, Ecolid truly is an economically sound and eco-friendly option, which also has a high-finish surface and minimal maintenance needs. So, if you need a well-insulated, affordable and stylish folding or hinged door, you don’t need to look any further.

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  • Sweden’s best-selling folding door
  • Developed and manufactured in Sweden
  • Endurance tested for 1 million opening cycles
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Highest quality design and finish
  • Short delivery times and high delivery reliability
  • Approx. 40% higher U-value than frame-built folding doors
  • Air permeability class 4, air leakage 1.8 m³/m² h according to EN12426
  • Quick and easy to fit and remove
  • Requires minimal space to the side and overhead
  • 7-year warranty within the Nordic countries, other countries 2-year warranty.
  • Highly effective rustproofing
  • Risk of crushing completely eliminated
  • CE-certified according to European standard on doors EN13241
  • Entirely made to measure in many different designs

Product video: Ecolid

Product video: PriDrive

Installation introduction

Ecolid before installation


Prido’s sales strategy is to deliver high quality at the right price. Unlike many other door manufacturers, we are completely uninterested in aftermarket services. Our goal is not to sell services but to deliver quality right from the start. The door in our range that best lives up to our strategy is the manual folding door. Why is that?

A manual folding door from Prido is a durable purchase. The folding door is designed to last a long time. The door is endurance tested for 1 million opening cycles. Properly installed, it is virtually indestructible. Durability doesn’t only mean a long service life. Our sandwich design also provides a U-value that is approximately 40% better than frame-built folding doors.

The folding door is operationally reliable. With all due respect to electronic and automatic doors, they don’t last forever and can also be vulnerable to external forces. A manual folding door basically never fails. Prido sells 14,000 doors a year and has 50 years of industry experience. Trust us, we know the difference between different types of industrial doors.

A manual folding door is easy to open and close, even when it’s 7 meters wide and 6 meters high, thanks to the smart design.

The cost of maintenance is extremely low. When investing in an industrial door, it’s important to consider the cost of maintenance, which is what it costs to own the door. For some door types, the purchase price is just a small part of the total cost. Many door manufacturers specify service intervals of 6-12 months, and each service can be costly. We dare say that our manual folding door is essentially maintenance free. In normal industrial environments, no maintenance is required. In environments where the doors get very dirty, washing may be required to maintain the rust protection. Care and maintenance do not require specialist expertise.

Folding doors are synonymous with a greatly reduced risk of collision injuries. The human field of view is larger horizontally than vertically. Vertically, the field of view can also be limited by the roof of a vehicle, for example. The sideways movement of a folding door means that the costly repairs of damage caused by collisions with bottom sections are virtually eliminated. In the unlikely event of an accident, it is exceptionally easy to replace a folding door leaf. Unlike a ceiling track door, for example, a door technician is not required to carry out the replacement.

The folding door is designed for quick and easy installation. A manual door can be installed by anyone who is handy, even without specialist knowledge. But if you would like help with the installation, Prido has qualified installers throughout Sweden. Thanks to its simplicity, the installation cost will be significantly lower than for other types of industrial doors.

The folding door fits in most door openings since it requires minimal space to the side and overhead, and it is available with either inward or outward opening.


Prido’s sales strategy is to deliver high quality at the right price. Unlike many other door manufacturers, we are completely uninterested in aftermarket services. Our goal is not to sell services but to deliver quality right from the start. The door in our range that best lives up to our strategy is the manual folding door. Why is that?

En manuell vikport från Prido är ett hållbart köp. Vikporten är konstruerad för att hålla länge. Porten är långtidstestad för 1 miljon öppningscykler. Rätt monterad är den närmast outslitbar. Hållbarhet är inte bara livslängd. Vår sandwichkonstruktion ger också ett U-värde som är ca 40 % bättre än rambyggda vikportar.

Vikporten är driftsäker. Elektronik och automatik i all ära, men det håller inte för alltid och kan också vara känsligt för yttre påverkan. En manuell vikport krånglar i princip aldrig. Prido säljer 13.500 portar om året och har 50 års branscherfarenhet. Tro oss, vi vet skillnaden mellan olika typer av industriportar.

En manuell vikport är enkel att öppna och stänga, även när porten är 7 meter bred och 6 meter hög, tack vare en väl genomtänkt konstruktion.

Kostnaderna för underhåll är extremt låga. När man investerar i en industriport ska man vara uppmärksam på kostnaden för underhåll, dvs. vad det kostar att äga porten. Själva köpet är för vissa porttyper bara en liten del av den totala kostnaden. Många porttillverkare föreskriver 6-12 månaders serviceintervall och varje enskilt servicetillfälle kan bli kostsamt. Vi vågar påstå att vår manuella vikport i princip är underhållsfri. I normala industriella miljöer krävs inget underhåll. I starkt nedsmutsande miljöer kan det krävas tvättning för att bibehålla rostskyddet. All skötsel och underhåll klaras utan specialistkompetens.

Vikport är synonymt med kraftigt reducerad risk för påkörningsskador. Människans synfält är större horisontellt än vertikalt. Vertikalt kan dessutom synfältet begränsas av ex. taket på ett fordon. Vikportens sidogående rörelse gör att antalet påkörningsskador med kraschade bottensektioner och mycket dyra reparationer i det närmaste försvinner. Om olyckan mot förmodan ändå skulle vara framme, så är det oerhört enkelt att byta ett vikportsblad. Till skillnad från ex. en takskjutport krävs inte en porttekniker för att genomföra bytet.

Vikporten är konstruerad för ett enkelt och snabbt montage. En manuell port kan monteras av den händige, även utan specialistkunskaper. Men önskar man hjälp med montaget så har Prido välutbildade montörer i hela Sverige. Tack vare enkelheten blir montagekostnaden betydligt lägre än för andra typer av industriportar.

Vikporten passar i de flesta portöppningar tack vare att den erfordrar minimala sido- och överutrymmen och finns både för inåtgående- och utåtgående öppning.


Logistics centers
Manual folding doors that guarantee low operating costs


Sweden’s best-selling door for industrial environments


Service facilities
Motorized doors with high reliability and fast opening


Robust folding doors with top-class rustproofing


Logistics centers
Manual folding doors that guarantee low operating costs


Sweden’s best-selling door for industrial environments


Service facilities
Motorized doors with high reliability and fast opening


Robust folding doors with top-class rustproofing


Motorized industrial doors have been around for a long time, but our PriDrive solution provides door owners with radically improved conditions. Motorized industrial doors have traditionally either been an expensive investment or costly to own, but are now becoming the best option for industrial doors.

motordriven vikport

PriDrive Standard

A substantially lower investment cost compared to other folding door motors on the market. PriDrive Standard has an opening and closing time of approximately 11 seconds. It is available in 3-piece and 4-piece versions. On PriDrive, it is possible to disengage the drive unit directly from floor level for manual operation.

Max. width: 5.08 m
Max. height: 4.8 m
Max. opening: 23.15 – 23.75 m2
Min. side space: 390 mm
Min. overhead height: 420 mm

PriDrive Boomerang

The PriDrive with Boomerang fitting reduces the required side space to 290 mm and, at the same time, allows the motor to be disconnected directly from the floor level for manual operation. The Boomerang fitting is only available on 4-piece doors.

Max. width: 4.5 m
Max. height: 4.8 m
Max. opening: 21.6 m²
Min. side space: 290 mm
Min. overhead height: 420 mm